Sunday, February 6, 2011

Selmer Saxophone Factory

A Selmer saxophone is renowned for its quality, brand and style. Although it is the "Selmer-Paris" range, and not the "Selmer USA", for which they are famous for.

Basically (I may not be 100% correct in this), Selmer USA are made in Taiwan for student to pro level of instruments.
While Selmer Paris are made in France for pro level instruments only.
Even Kenny G's setup is a Mark VI soprano. The Mark VI range of Selmer Paris are expensive and highly reputable, though from one instrument to another they may sound beautiful to horrible.

Here's a video of what a hand-made instrument goes through their France factory


  1. You should start placing vids of your playing as well! :)

  2. I love your blog...Love your so looking forward to learning this magnificent instrument...

  3. thanks for the vote of confidence.
    as for vids on playing, its a plan in the near future.

  4. hey dude do you think you are gonna be around subang area for a long time, say till september? I'm getting a sax through a friend from China( kinda cheapskate I know XD) and I will need a teacher soon! since you have been taking classes for a while now, do you think you can give a hand to me as an amateur player once I got my sax? Of course, I will pay you XD

  5. hi bro, i would probably be able to tell you what keys to press and read notes only. to teach properly is an entirely different approach, as i myself am still a student.
    well, we could meet and discuss some directions which you want to go and i'll pass some contacts thereon.

    send me a PM and will arrange...
