Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Returning back...

Been a long break I took from writing on this blog, about 2 months since.
November pretty much had very little practice, or made any much changes in improvements.
December was a bit better because had more time from the weekly Friday public holidays.

Almost completing Book 1 lessons (took about 4 months) and trying to prep myself for Book 2.
It will be much harder in fingering, learning shorter notes (therefore faster), and paying the increase in lesson fees from Yamaha. Well, the price for improvement...

Have taken to learning scales continuously, which I find improves my fingering and note recognition (sight, mind, sound and finger co-ordination).

So far have done the following;
C major (no sharps & flats),
A major (F, C, G sharp)
D major (F, C sharp)
G major (F sharp)
Bflat major (B, E flat)
C minor
C Chromatic
Normally I'll start off my practice sessions (normally 1 hour) with the following;
Setup - greasing cork, moistening reeds, book placement, air-cond, close curtains/blinds/doors
Long notes - from low C to high D, holding a full breath on each note
Scales - like the above then adding a new scale once a week/month
Book 1 - at least 4 lessons, from past 2 lessons then current then next week's chapter
Cooling down playing long notes
Cleaning up

The metronome/tuner will be placed alongside to assist me. I'll use its dual-purpose nature (tuning and metronome) depending on what the practice requires.

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