I've just started testing out the Vandored Java reed (#2 1/2) which I bought with the earlier Rico Hemke. It took me some time (a few days) to 'break in', or soften, the tip before I could really get it to produce a reasonable sound.
Normally new reeds need to be play tested a few times before they can be played at a comfortable range. Some advice I've heard to 'break in' the reeds was to place them in a bowl/cup of water for about 10-15 minutes, sufficient enough to soak water into its fibres.
The Vandoren Java I got is of a slightly higher strength (reeds of different brands have numbers to represent its strength, for various music styles and player's mouth setup) than the Rico Hemke. What this means is I need to place more control on my embouchure and attain a bigger push of air from my diaphragm to play a tune from low C to high C (2 octaves). I like the warm sound the Java provides, as opposed to Hemke's easy blowing but sharper notes. But may opt for a #2 strength for future testing.
Below is a comparison chart of reed strength from the more common brands available in the market.

And here are some good reading about reed strength;