Thursday, October 8, 2009

Faulty Metronome Tuner

Did some testing on the BOSS TU-80 tuner/metronome with my alto saxophone.
To my surprise, it doesn't tune!!! When I play a C, the nearest it got was D#. Even with every possible adjustments made to:-
(i) flat tuning (5 semitone intervals);
(ii) tuning modes (Chromatic, Guitar, Bass);
(iii) reference pitch (435-446Hz)

I thought it might be a defected unit so brought it in for a change. The people at Chambers Music were very polite and helpful to bring out another unit to compare, and allowed me to use their display unit alto saxophone (I brought my own mouthpiece). And then...the same thing happened. Both tuners tuned the same wrong note I played. So I concluded that the BOSS TU-80 just couldn't tune a saxophone.

Eventually requested Chambers Music to change my unit to a KORG TM-40 instead.
I'm now waiting for the unit to arrive.

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