Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Intelli IMT-204 Tuner/Metronome

Unfortunately the BOSS TU-80 couldn't be exchanged for a KORG TM-40 due to stock unavailability. Instead, Chambers Music has stock loads of the INTELLI IMT-204. There isn't much information on the net about this brand, despite it having a "Made In Korea" printed on the box. The better branding BOSS was "Made In China", and is RM30 cheaper than the INTELLI (at RM120).

Either way, tried the unit and it is simple enough for beginners to use. It has a very sensitive mic that picks up (and gives you a note) from musical tunes to normal chatter. Yup, it tells you what note you're in when you say, "How you doing..."...

Its smaller than the BOSS and fits well into your pocket. At the back there's a convenient flip-out stand for tilting, unlike the BOSS unit which requires monetary contribution to make it stand (put a 20cent in the rear slot, and it angles out as a stand).

This 4-in-1 features;
- Chromatic Tuner
- Guitar Tuner
- Metronome
- Pitch Generator

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