Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My new 'toy'

This creature popped into my life and is now living in the house with me and my saxophone. He does some pretty good pose as well, all by himself. Though the pampers fitting are a little large coz he's quite little.

The picture should remind me of how fragile, small and innocence can exist, until they turn 2 years!!!

/*Note : A post that has nothing to do with this blog. Just a short detour out...*/


  1. your son ar? or just someone else's? haha. By the way, do you have any tips on the books for first timers on sax. I think I should start reading up like the notes, cause i never get them. They were like tadpoles and sperms when I read them in primary school XD

  2. yup. my newborn son, dress in girly clothes.

    for beginners books, there are plenty out there. i have, in an earlier post, mentioned about the Book 1 and Book 2 i used when learning at Yamaha. you could try that as a start.

    but if you don't play the saxophone with a book, it don't quite stick to your head, ears and fingers.

  3. owhkay~ congrats on the newborn!things must be crazy around huh?

    i will try to get my hands on them till I get my sax. Can't wait to start.

  4. Congrats! Is your son ok with your saxophone sound? My girl was a bit scared in her early months (maybe because it was loud), now at 10 months she wants to see me play. :-)

  5. Tried playing recently in front of my son, but he didn't seem to like it. Probably scared, like you mentioned. It'll take some time.
    His face expression changes from normal to sad to crying to scream in a few seconds. So funny seeing that change...
