The above diagram (by Johann David Heinichen, 1728) shows the correlation of related keys and their # (sharps) & b (flats). Its called the CIRCLE OF FIFTHS, and is a good way to learn your major and minor scales.
Some people may find it boring to do scales, but I found it quite fun because initially you'll be remembering what keys to press, and somehow after mastering them your fingers run on auto-cruise all by itself. That's a satisfaction I enjoy, knowing that I'm doing things more natural and less thinking.
I start each practice session with major scales (the outer circle), as follows;
C (no sharp, no flat)
G (F#)
F (Bb)
D (F#, C#)
Bb (Bb, Eb)
A (F#, C#, G#)
Eb (Bb, Eb, Ab)
E (F#, C#, G#, D#)
Ab (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db)
B (F#, C#, G#, D#, A#)
Db (Bb, Eb, Ab, Db, Gb)
(the above can also be done by running through all the # scales, then proceed with the b scales. but i prefer alternating. meaning adding 1 sharp, then 1 flat to each major scale)
After completing the major scales, next up is the minor scales (the inner circle).
Hey dude I'm planning to start of the instrument soon, the problem is I DON'T GET the Fingering charts without a sax with me *frantic*. What's worse, I never understood the tadpoles on the books, any idea where should I start first? Or rather, which part you started off when you first approached sax?
ReplyDeleteThough you may be able to learn a saxophone without needing one, its a much steeper curve. Mostly by imagination only. And you'll give up much easily after that.
ReplyDeleteBest not to stress yourself up over learning it, without first getting a unit. Then it'll be easier to practice and understand. Especially knowing what key sounds like what.
If budget is tight, search around for a 2nd hand unit (of reputable brand) or new China/Taiwan piece.
owh~ so technically I can do nothing much without getting my hands on the sax? Copy thaat.
ReplyDeleteI've managed to get a new one from China, which cost me around rm1600, and hopefully I'm getting it by mid May. It's a skimpy china brand, but my friend who got to the dealer wants to try it out also, so hopefully things turn out okay for this babe.
Sometimes if you're patient there are some reasonably good units from lowyat, mudah, ebay (m'sia / spore). I'd recommend back a Yamaha unit, or Jupiter.
ReplyDeleteDo be weary of China-made units. Taiwan-made ones are quite ok. Although Yamaha nowadays are made in Indonesia, there are quality checks.
Good luck in your search. Its always a fun process.