Friday, August 26, 2011

MIssing In Action

Its been about 2 months since I've done any consistent practicing. This was a period of feeling lazy, bored, incapable of progress and tiredness that's kept clouding over me. It could be somewhat like getting a 'writers block'. Of course I'm not in any position to do any creative input with music, but more like a momentary lapse in efficiency. Yah, something like that.

It may or may not happen to you. This feeling of sudden curiosity with music and saxophone, then eagerness to practice (sometimes frustrated you couldn't practice that day), then reaching a goal or achievement (for whatever the case), then CRASHHH... Meaning, all of a sudden there is no adrenaline or anticipation of what more to learn and excite me.

Hopefully this 'quiet' period will run over soon. Deep deep down I feel I need to practice and not waste the effort I've put in. But whenever I see my saxophone, I'll say "Tomorrow lah, too tired today". So, doing practices alone is quite boring. Find your means and ways to spruce up the activity. DON'T GIVE UP...

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